How to Grow Your Rental Portfolio with Leverage and the BRRRR Strategy

If you’re looking to expand your rental portfolio and maximize your investment returns, using leverage and strategies like BRRRR can be powerful tools to accelerate growth. Partnering with the right property management and financial resources can help you navigate the process efficiently. In this blog post, we’ll explore how leveraging financing from lenders and utilizing the BRRRR strategy can help you scale your rental portfolio. Plus, we’ll show you how Unlocked Capital can provide the financial support you need.

What is Leverage in Real Estate?

Leverage in real estate refers to the use of borrowed capital to finance an investment. Instead of using 100% of your own money to purchase a property, you can borrow a significant portion from a lender—whether it's a traditional mortgage, hard money loan, or private financing. The goal of leverage is to increase your purchasing power and expand your portfolio more quickly than you could by using only your own capital.

Example: If you have $100,000 in cash and want to purchase a property, you could buy one property outright for $100,000. However, by using leverage (e.g., 20% down payment), you could instead buy multiple properties worth $500,000, using $100,000 in cash and borrowing the remaining $400,000. This allows you to grow your portfolio more quickly and generate more cash flow and appreciation from multiple properties.

Using the BRRRR Strategy to Grow Your Portfolio

One of the most popular strategies for building a rental portfolio using leverage is the BRRRR method, which stands for Buy, Rehab, Rent, Refinance, and Repeat. Here's how it works:

  1. Buy: Purchase a distressed or undervalued property using financing or your own funds. The goal is to find a property that can be significantly improved through renovations.

  2. Rehab: Renovate the property to increase its value and make it attractive for renters. This could involve anything from updating the kitchen and bathrooms to fixing structural issues.

  3. Rent: Once the property is rehabbed, rent it out to generate cash flow. At this stage, the property should be fully leased to provide steady income.

  4. Refinance: After renting out the property, refinance it to pull out the increased equity. Typically, lenders will allow you to refinance based on the property’s new, higher value after the rehab. This allows you to recoup your initial investment, which can then be used to fund your next property.

  5. Repeat: With the equity you’ve pulled out from the refinance, you can now use that money to purchase another property and start the BRRRR process again.

Why Leverage and BRRRR Work Well Together

The BRRRR strategy thrives on leverage. By using financing to buy and renovate properties, you can continue growing your portfolio without needing to save large sums of money for each new property purchase. The ability to refinance after increasing the property’s value means you can recycle the same initial capital multiple times, exponentially increasing your holdings.

The Benefits of Partnering with a Property Management Company

Managing multiple properties on your own can quickly become overwhelming. That’s where partnering with a professional property management company like Greenville Property Management comes in. They can help handle all the day-to-day responsibilities of your growing portfolio, including tenant screening, rent collection, and maintenance. With their support, you can focus on scaling your investments while they ensure your properties are running smoothly.

Key Benefits of Professional Property Management:

  • Reduced vacancies with effective tenant screening and marketing.
  • Efficient rent collection and lease management.
  • Regular property maintenance and repairs to preserve property value.
  • Professional handling of tenant issues, saving you time and hassle.

Visit PMI Upstate SC here.

How Unlocked Capital Can Help You Grow Your Portfolio

At Unlocked Capital, we specialize in helping investors like you finance their real estate projects. Whether you're buying your first rental property or looking to scale with the BRRRR strategy, we offer tailored loan options that provide the flexibility and leverage you need. We can help you secure:

  • Acquisition Loans for purchasing undervalued properties.
  • Renovation Loans to fund property improvements.
  • Refinancing to pull out equity and reinvest in new properties.

By partnering with Unlocked Capital, you’ll have the financial backing to grow your rental portfolio faster and more efficiently.

Learn more about our financing solutions at Unlocked Capital.


Real estate investing is a powerful way to build long-term wealth, and leveraging strategies like BRRRR can accelerate your success. By using financing to grow your portfolio and partnering with expert property managers, you can maximize your returns while minimizing the stress of property ownership. Ready to scale your investments? Reach out to Greenville Property Management and Unlocked Capital today to start unlocking your rental portfolio’s potential.
